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Poultry Feed Pellet

Broiler chicken feed comes in many forms,  including mash, pellet and crumble. Mash typically  results in some waste  due to separation of grains (coarse particles) from other ingredients and supplements that result in the  flicking behaviour of chickens. This problem is solved in pellet feed that produces uniform proportions and improved digestion of nutrients in broiler chickens. Crumbles add an additional step to pellet production by taking the pellets and crushing them into a consistency that’s courser than mash.

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Advantages of pelleting for Chicken Feed Ingredients

There are several advantages of feeding poultry with pellets rather than mash.

  • Pelleting reduces waste of chicken feed, water soiling, and selective eating behaviour in chickens
  • Reduces bulkiness of feed by 15 – 18%
  • Reduces Salmonella, E. coli, molds and more, and destroys growth inhibitors, like trypsin inhibitors and gossypol during processing
  • The pelleting process solves mixing difficulties, incorrect particle sizes, and ingredient separation
  • Results in the saving of 15-20% of broiler chicken feed cost
  • Produces a higher nutrient density, increases the availability of Vitamin E and B12, and improves digestibility and ME value of certain ingredients, thereby increasing animal performance while creating superior feed efficiency


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