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Canola Oil

Canola oil is oil made from crushed canola seeds. One of the best oils for heart health, canola oil has less saturated fat than any other oil commonly used in the U.K Cutting down on saturated fats helps cut your cholesterol levels. Canola oil is also very high in healthier unsaturated fats. It’s higher in the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) than any other oil except flaxseed oil. ALA is particularly important to have in your diet because your body can’t make it.

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Product Details

Because of its light flavor, high smoke point, and smooth texture, canola oil is one of the most versatile cooking oils. You can use it in a number of dishes and cooking methods, like:

  • As a cooking oil for sauteing, stir-frying, grilling, and baking
  • In salad dressings, sauces, and marinades
  • To coat your pans for nonstick baking
  • Instead of solid fats (such as margarine and butter) in recipes


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